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Enterprise Risk Management


Corporate Risk Management (GRC- Governance Risk Compliance)

Bimser’s Enterprise Risk Management solution (ERM) is a software solution in which an organization’s risks from different perspectives such as strategic, financial and reputational are defined, analyzed, evaluated, controls are planned and managed in an integrated manner. Enterprise Risk Management forces the company to protect against external threats by minimizing financial losses. It also ensures that the company remains constantly vigilant against all negative situations that may affect its prestige.

Why do companies need enterprise risk management? The most important reason is to ensure its continued existence. But its continued existence is not enough on its own. Enterprise Risk Management is also vital in reducing losses, avoiding unnecessary costs and waste, ensuring revenue balance and complying with legal regulations.

QDMS Integrated Management System is a web-based management system with more than 30 modules developed in accordance with the needs of management systems. On QDMS, solutions suitable for the needs of managing corporate risks are offered.

With the QDMS Enterprise Risk Management module, risk assessment forms can be designed with the desired risk approach methodology, risk matrices and acceptable risk levels can be determined. If desired, the assessed risks can be passed through approval flows and corporate communication can be ensured. For risks identified above the acceptable level, appropriate action plans can be taken with QDMS Corrective Actions Module and QDMS Action Management modules. As a result, the desired data can be accessed through reporting tools such as the organization’s risk register, risk processing plan and risk heat map.

What is Internal Control? Internal controls can be defined as the totality of practices, procedures, policies, processes, systems and activities planned to mitigate risks in an organization. The internal control system is a management tool and a high-level managerial control system designed to achieve the goals and objectives throughout the organization, covering all these controls, but also including management and organization, risk assessment, communication, information systems and internal audit.

All of the solutions Bimser offers to its customers (eBA, Ensemble, QDMS, BEAM) help organizations implement internal audit and internal control. If the following issues are on your agenda, our solutions for Internal Auditwill be your best help.

  • We cannot measure the effectiveness, efficiency and adequacy of our processes.
  • We want the responsibilities of employees to be defined and controlled.
  • We want to identify problems (functioning, operational, efficiency) in our departments.
  • We need to identify areas that are uncontrolled.
  • We want to see the flaws in our current system.
  • We are concerned about loss and leakage

Internal Audit is an independent and objective consulting activity designed to improve and add value to an organization’s processes and operations. It helps an organization achieve its goals and objectives by providing a disciplined and systematic approach to assessing the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes. Internal audit includes a future-oriented approach. Identifies deviations from the target and makes evaluations to ensure achievement of the target. Internal audit is a risk-based audit approach.

All of Bimser‘s solutions (eBA, Ensemble, QDMS, BEAM) help organizations implement internal audit and internal control. If the following issues are on your agenda, our solutions for Internal Audit will be your best help.

  • We cannot measure the effectiveness, efficiency and adequacy of our processes.
  • We want the responsibilities of employees to be defined and controlled.
  • We want to identify problems (functioning, operational, efficiency) in our departments.
  • We need to identify areas that are uncontrolled.
  • We want to see the flaws in our current system.
  • We are concerned about loss and leakage.

Risk and opportunity management has become mandatory with ISO 9001:2015 and is now a vital issue for every organization to survive. Bimser addresses this need very well with QDMS Integrated Management Solution. Risk, in the simplest terms, is the effect of uncertainties on the goals to be achieved. Events that prevent the goal from being achieved. Risk analysis is the whole of the activities of predicting these events before they occur with a predictive approach, estimating their impact in case they occur, and planning measures to be taken to prevent them from occurring.

Opportunity describes the positive aspects of risks and the benefits they can bring. Since every risk may also contain opportunities, risk and opportunity analysis should be considered and handled together.

Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) companies;

  • Governance, i.e. the goals and cultures of governance
  • Risk Analysis, the analysis of the impact and likelihood of events preventing the achievement of the objective
  • Compliance, ensuring compliance with legislation, laws and regulations

It is a discipline that manages its activities in a holistic manner. The corporate governance processes of Bimser‘s integrated management systeminclude the steps of determining the management structure, company objectives, policies and controls. Risk analysis processes include identifying the company’s risks in areas such as financial, business, reputational, strategic and security, calculating the impact and probability of risks, and managing residual risks. Compliance processes consist of documenting policies and control procedures, following laws and regulations, monitoring controls and reporting to senior management.

Strategic management is an approach in which an organization develops the right strategies to achieve its goals, implements these strategies correctly and effectively, and monitors the extent to which it achieves its goals by evaluating the results. Strategic Planning takes into account the strengths and weaknesses, strategic opportunities and strategic threats of the organization. The Strategic Plan sets out a roadmap in a concise, clear and concise manner. Strategic Planning is the most important tool of strategic management.
